Thursday, 25 December 2014

Only Every Other Year

So we have six kids and the Christmas. It would be a nightmare if I had stopped to think about it. Lucky me, I've had no time to think.

Yesterday, all our kids went mad. They run around and around screaming and fighting. Even the Little One was whining all the time. Around twelve o'clock we had rice porridge (like every year). Before that, the 4-years old had called to Santa just to ask if He really was coming.

Only when candles were burning, the kids were quiet.

Before Santa could come, we had Christmas dinner. Isn't easy to get those kids to sit silent so close to Christmas eve. Together we cleaned the table after dinner and had all treats for those who like. Nobody wanted chocolate...!

And then the Santa came. He left all of the presents inside our hallway, so silently that nobody noticed. Kids found those and carried them under the Christmas tree. Poor tree. I almost lost it.

I had a headache for all the screaming, but kids were happier than ever.

My best moment every Christmas comes, when the kids have fallen asleep. Silent Night, wine and chocolate. I love it!

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Handwriting lessons end

Interesting time, indeed.

I found a couple of news about our new national school curriculum. Finland dumps handwriting in favor of typing (23 November 2014, I Programmer). BBC also had a fantastic headline about this: Finland: Typing takes over as handwriting lessons end. Well...

Our kids still need to use pencil and paper after year 2016. They just don't need to have the skill of cursive handwriting.

Three of my kids have learned it. Youngest of them was afraid that teacher doesn't teach her those beautiful letters. I promised to her that if teacher doesn't, I will.

She was the happiest girl in the autumn, when she got an empty cursive handwriting book.

Instead of cursive handwriting, rest of our kids will learn texting and typing. I hope that boys won't be sad about it.


Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Note to self. Don't leave Christmas presents anywhere, where the kids can find them.

It was in the kitchens' cupboard, so high that they shouldn't have been able to get to it. Little boys moved a chair and climbed over the coffeemaker. And when they got it, they really had to open it... Oh my. Gladly it wasn't for them.

And the Baby, He is almost four months old now and He can roll around.

Sometimes it's hard to keep up with everything.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

I'm just out of my mind

After my third child, people started asking, if a religion was a reason for a large family?

One kid after another, our family has been growing. First it was up to three although, that after the second we bought a car with seven seats (just that we can have friends with us where ever we like to go). Three little ones was enough though. I almost lost my physical health and almost lost my sanity. We decided to have a break.

One time is enough and couple of years later I got my fourth one. He was born on Valentines Day and I thought that everything would be perfect. As if. So my husband was gone with another woman and I found myself alone with four little children.

At the one of my darkest moments, my Man walked in from my door and saved the day. One thing led to another and here we are, six kids around us.

I have learned a lot during these twelve years as a mother. Mostly about myself and motherhood, but also the fact that love really multiplies.

What was I saying? Religion isn't the reason, I am just out of my mind.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Six Around Us

And then comes the day, when I finally dare to write my blog also in English.

So who am I? I am a 30-years old, divorced and remarried mother of six. This blog is all about my thoughts and feelings, home and family as well as the world around me and mine.

Oh and never forget terrible photos. Never forget terrible photos.

Welcome aboard everyone!