Wednesday 10 June 2015

My little princess

Every now and then I wonder how my babies could grow so fast. After six years, three different schools and four teachers, my oldest girl finished her elementary school. She did amazing job, found many friends and now it is her turn to move on.

Next step is clear. It's all about junior high and surviving through her teenage years. Hopefully she continues her studies just like before.

Summer is here and kids are free to play with their friends and eat lots of ice cream. One thing is certain. They will not even think about school until August.

Monday 1 June 2015

The Wheat Flour

I admit. I am very afraid to return home from every trip without kids. Sometimes it is enough to just close your eyes, sometimes not.

Our little boys are amazing. If no one tells them what to do, they will use their imagination. And result will terrify everyone.

That's only the boys room. Whole apartment was like this, covered with wheat flour. It took good six hours to clean it up and a glass of wine and darkness to get over it.

I wonder, what on earth they thought about?