Saturday, 24 January 2015

Entry hall Before and After

The Entry hall is always problematic. There are shoes, hats, jackets, keys, toys and so on.

There was a chaos and we decided to do something about it. It isn't really ready yet, but it's already much better. JYSK helped a little to do this.

This was our front door before:

And this is now:

Well, yeah, "the after"-picture shows our bedroom door and "before"-picture doesn't. Before, it was just a white door, now there's something to show ;)

Another "Before":

And "After":

One to go, "Before" 1. and 2.:

 And "After":

Overall, the change was not that significant, but the outcome has been tremendous. There are no piled up boots and hats or jackets on the floor. At least not yet. And the amount of clutter in the entry hall was reduced to almost nothing. So far so good.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Gotta Love It

I have been playing The Sims-series forever. I started with original The Sims game and I had every single expansion pack for it. I remember how my kids never grew up, how the Stork brought babies and how I had to stand next to my mailbox if I needed new friends. I loved the game so much. I always had big families and even bigger line to the bathroom 'cause I always had just one bathroom (with a shower, of course)

Then comes the year 2004 and The Sims 2. It was amazing. I could make my sims look like my real friends. I had a full neighborhood for only my friends and their families. I used three years just playing with them and their lives. I watch how my sims were born, and how they died when a satellite just fell on them. I begged Death to save their lives and made them come back as zombies. And I also wrote a story based on this game.

Suddenly my computer had some major issues and I lost everything. After that, I didn't want to start all over again, I only tested for a couple of new tricks, but didn't start any new story.

It is obvious that I had The Sims 3 as soon as I could. I pre-ordered it. It was nice, but it wasn't the same. Toddlers were the only annoying thing and the open neighborhood needed so much time to load up that I rather used my time doing something else. I also couldn't do my "Friends-story" all over again 'cause of the open neighborhood. It just wasn't fun anymore.

At the last autumn, came Sims 4. At first I thought to buy it someday later, but something made me buy it right away. It was love at first sight. There are no annoying toddlers. I don't have to play with babies almost at all. Kids are wonderful with all their new things and feelings. And there are no open neighborhoods.

So I made my friends all over again and now I use my free time on watching, how "realistic" my friends really are. And how much more "realistic" they might be, compared to the earlier and older Sims-games. Even though I still have such a big line to my only bathroom and my sims still take an hour to shower.

If the toddlers come some day in the future, I hope that they will be really realistic and terrible like in real life. They should be biting each other and drawing on to the walls...

My eldest girl loves to play The Sims 3. She loves those toddlers and everything else on it. So different are the players.

Sorry, I have no terrible pictures and this has nothing to do with our real lives. I just want to share this.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Kids and the dog

It's so cold out there that even polar bears wants to live inside.

Still there aren't cold enough for this:

I'd rather write polar bears than ice around water pipe.

So we have a little dog, who happens to love kids. And kids love the dog. They always fight for turns to walk it.

Even the little imp is curious about it....

The dog doesn't bite. Our boys on the other hand... they might.