Saturday, 24 January 2015

Entry hall Before and After

The Entry hall is always problematic. There are shoes, hats, jackets, keys, toys and so on.

There was a chaos and we decided to do something about it. It isn't really ready yet, but it's already much better. JYSK helped a little to do this.

This was our front door before:

And this is now:

Well, yeah, "the after"-picture shows our bedroom door and "before"-picture doesn't. Before, it was just a white door, now there's something to show ;)

Another "Before":

And "After":

One to go, "Before" 1. and 2.:

 And "After":

Overall, the change was not that significant, but the outcome has been tremendous. There are no piled up boots and hats or jackets on the floor. At least not yet. And the amount of clutter in the entry hall was reduced to almost nothing. So far so good.

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